Saturday, May 30, 2009

Tom Oliver's Griptape history...

EB Truck Driver Ryan Green came in asking us about how many boards we think EB Worcester's Tom Oliver (better known as T.O) has gripped in his Eastern Boarder career.

T.O. is employee #2 of all time. Right behind EB's founder Tabor. He started working at the shop in...we'll say 1990.

2009 - 1990 = 18.5 years (approx)
18.5 x 5 (work days per week) = 92.5
92.5 x 50 (50 work weeks in a year. 2 weeks vaca) = 4625
4625 x 4 (approximately 4 boards gripped per day) = 18,500

Tom Oliver has gripped close to 18,500 Skateboards. Holy Crap.
If he grips another 1,000 or so he'll have an equal number of skateboards gripped to Ice Coffees Consumed.

1 comment:

Eastern Boarder Worcester. said...

18,000 Boards!!! That must be some kinda record, no?? On a related note:

If griptape can do that to a metal file, think how my knuckles are feeling from it!!! -TEO